Bagger Fund

Goal: Find long term value multipliers

About the Bagger Fund

The bagger fund is inspired by the book 100 baggers (where the name derives from). This fund invests in individual companies

Past Calls

LAZR +27%

INTC -23%

PLTR (missed entry)

COST(missed entry)

PLUG +33%

NOVA +97%


Frequently Asked Questions

How are you picking these?

I’m picking companies I know usually, though sometimes ones that I research.

Why are the returns so high/low?

Sometimes I got lucky, other times unlucky. Luck is a big part, but research helps odds.

How do you research?

I look at the usual, like PE, industry, sector, EPS, growth projections, and management.

Is this fund successful?

Right now no as it’s leading to the portfolio lagging but over time I expect myself to improve.